
Museum Theatre uses theatre and theatrical techniques to increase interest in a museum’s collections and exhibits, as well as the history, science and culture of its surrounding area. Scripts are performed in settings close to the audience, to make the experience more meaningful. Learning about the historical or scientific concepts in the script, as well as new vocabulary, make this an especially educational form of theatre.

The Tri-State Performers is a museum theatre troupe formed in 2016, which will mount productions to be done within the complex. Open auditions will be held for productions which will make use of actors from grade school through high school. Students need not be from Belle Fourche to participate.

For more information about upcoming TSP productions and the troupe itself, please call 605-723-1200 or 605-723-2010.

Pioneer Christmas

Pioneer Christmas was the second production by the Tri-State Performers, and took place at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. on HolidayMusic Day, December 10th.

Synopsis: It’s 1885, and a German immigrant family looks forward to their first Christmas on their South Dakota farm. Sisters Olenka, Melita, Eva, Greta, Hanna and Leni, all long for a holiday that is special in some way. Especially, Hannah, who longs for a beautiful Christmas tree! Their attendance at a Christmas party in a little country church brings them humble but meaningful gifts that enrich their memories for years to come.  

The Perfect Pumpkin

The troupe’s first production was The Perfect Pumpkin, and took place on Saturday, October 29th at noon. It’s a 25-minute Halloween comedy set in Belle Fourche which references streets and places in town.

Synopsis: It’s October in Belle Fourche and Lila Bascombe has received a mysterious, unsigned letter stating that she has been chosen to find the “perfect pumpkin,” and bring it to Halloween night event at the edge of town. She decides to do so, despite the misgivings of her sister, Kateri, and her circle of friends: Wendy, Toni, Jen-Jen and Pickles. The pumpkin she chooses and the lessons she learns on Halloween night are both entertaining and heartwarming.